Sunday, October 31, 2010

Tuna in coconut gravy

My home town is known as the Queen of Arabian Sea. More about my place here That would probably give you an idea on the importance fish plays in our diet. Not just my town, the entire state is blessed with a wide variety of fish and we have umpteen ways of cooking it. In fact every home has a different way of making 'fish curry' which is an unavoidable part of lunch/dinner. In my home, this rule is broken only when we observe vegetarianism for some religious reasons :)

Kudampuli aka Malabar tamarind

This is the one crucial differentiating factor in traditional Kerala style fish recipes. The fruit is in yellowish green color. But the dried version is what we use in cooking. Click here to know the scientific name and little bit more.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Cabbage Thoran

I have been stuck some were up in the heights of procrastination. I cant say I ignored this blog totally. I did draft couple of posts...but was way too lazy to review them or add pics... Now I am too bored of this that I decided to get back....

Monday, August 9, 2010

Cutlets / Patties

The smell of cutlets always remind me of my dearest friends...all the times we have spent in canteen... be it college or office... Cutlets taste best with some ketchup, hot tea/coffee and at least one friend :)

The pic on left is chicken cutlet. 

Friday, July 30, 2010

Kheema fry

Beef Kheema fry
Kheema or Keema or Qeema is minced meat. I have this strange inhibition... I have tried so many times to buy minced meat from a shop... But something stops me... I always end up mincing it myself...

The picture you see on the right is beef keema fry. I have tried the same recipe with fish and fish roe. Fried keema can be used as a dry side. This also happens to be the step one of many other recipes

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mango Banana Cherry

Mango Banana Cherry
Mangoes, bananas and cherries... Oh all so good... :)
Wonder what happens if you blend three awesome fruits!!!

Well I decided to try it out and it turned out soo good...
So dont just wonder... try out the below recipe...

Replacing the cherry with red grapes is also a good option. I liked cherry better cos it gave a red tint :)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Vegetable stew

Vegetable stew
This one is my patriotic curry ;) It has the national colors of India :D... okay.. minus the blue

I always wanted to make this look whiter... But carrot gets in the way... Once i tried cooking carrot separately and then added to the stew...but taste suffered... :( Any battle between taste and UI (user interface... or in other words the appearance..) of food is won by taste...